Home > Weather Forecasts > Suriname
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Suriname has a tropical climate with high temperatures and humidity throughout the year. The average temperature ranges from the mid to upper 80s Fahrenheit (29-31 degrees Celsius), with lows usually in the mid to upper 70s Fahrenheit (24-26 degrees Celsius). Suriname has two main seasons: a dry season from February to August and a wet season from August to January, with the heaviest rainfall occurring from April to July. Despite the high humidity, Suriname generally experiences a refreshing breeze, thanks to the trade winds that blow across the region . While Suriname is not located in the hurricane belt, it can still experience severe storms and heavy rain during the wet season. Visitors can explore Suriname's rich natural environment, including its tropical rainforests and diverse wildlife, or take part in cultural activities such as visiting historical sites, experiencing traditional cuisine, or enjoying the country's vibrant music scene.
We use two separate sources for current weather and forecast information for Suriname in case one becomes unavailable (Source: OpenWeather and meteoblue). Scroll or swipe down for latest information. Note: if viewed on a mobile phone in portrait mode, OpenWeather displays current weather only. Switch to landscape mode for forecast.
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